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skincare organic topical creams balms oils

Adopt a Non-toxic Approach to Skincare

Your skin is a marvel of engineering genius and while its works silently and invisibly, your support counts. Nourish yourself internally and externally and love the skin you’re in!
When it Hurts, Go Deep

When it Hurts, Go Deep

It is no longer contested that the skin is the largest organ of the body. That’s good in more than one way - not least of which it's an adequate disguise for your insides! But it’s also a portal to your insides!
The Marvels of Massage Therapy

The Marvels of Massage Therapy

As part of integrated medicine, massage therapy has well-recognized benefits. Let’s dig into some.
Organic Supersalve balm insect repellent

Organic Mosquito Repellent

Once you've learned how absorbent human skin is, you don't want to spraying yourself and your children with chemicals to prevent insect bites. With...
Why Your Skin Needs African Potato

Why Your Skin Needs African Potato

Accessing the super potent healing properties of the African Potato plant through the skin via a topical salve brings rapid relief in skin ailments.

Organic balms creams & Oils

The Healing Properties of St. John’s Wort

The long recognized healing power in St John’s Wort finds it used in external and internal applications. Supersalve’s range of oils, balms, and creams all contain this wonder ingredient. Let its potent healing power get to work for you.

How Grapeseed Oil Stood the Test of time

How Grapeseed Oil Stood the Test of time

Grapeseed oil has been used for thousands of years for its healing properties. In a skin balm, its anti-microbial anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties make it a great aftershave, acne rescue, spider-vein vanquisher, cleanser, toner, moisturizer and skin tightener all in one.

Why Comfrey Comforts

Why Comfrey Comforts

Used for centuries for its healing power, comfrey in a topical preparation, achieves sufficient penetration to reach the bones. Comfrey’s amazing properties earn its significance as far as the pharmacodynamic, biological response of the body is concerned.